欄位1 欄位2
1001 true
1003 false
1006 false
1002 true
1002 false
1004 false
欄位1 欄位2
1003 false
1006 false
1004 false
--> 生成測試資料: #t
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#t') is not null drop table #t
create table #t (欄位1 int,欄位2 varchar(5))
insert into #t
select 1001,'true' union all
select 1003,'false' union all
select 1006,'false' union all
select 1002,'true' union all
select 1002,'false' union all
select 1004,'false'
select *
from #t as t
where not exists
(select *
from #t
where 欄位1=t.欄位1
and 欄位2='true')/*
欄位1 欄位2
----------- -----
1003 false
1006 false
1004 false
(3 行受影響)
declare @tb table(f1 int, f2 varchar(5))
insert @tb
select 1001, 'true' union all
select 1003, 'false' union all
select 1006, 'false' union all
select 1002, 'true' union all
select 1002, 'false' union all
select 1004, 'false'
select * from @tb as a where not exists(select 1 from @tb where f1=a.f1 and f2='true')
/*f1 f2
----------- -----
1003 false
1006 false
1004 false
function object研究之一
function object首先是乙個類,它實現了函式呼叫操作符t operator t t可以是void型別。class a void operator int x cout x 0通過檢視for each的源 可以觀察到stl中使用function object的基本特徵。下面是gcc4.6....
function object研究之一
function object首先是乙個類,它實現了函式呼叫操作符t operator t t可以是void型別。class a void operator int x cout x 0通過檢視for each的源 可以觀察到stl中使用function object的基本特徵。下面是gcc4.6....
在sqlserver2008 management studio中執行下列 set statistics time on goselect from information.lhbinfo where tradingdate between 2010 01 01 and 2011 06 10 god...