如何啟動 oracle EM

2021-04-19 21:43:53 字數 1458 閱讀 4674

可能出現的錯誤如下,沒有oracle_sid的 環境變數, 可能網路位址和環境發生變化,比如主機名修改等.

oracle@martin:~/product/10.2/db_1/bin> ./emctl start dbconsole

tz set to prc

em configuration issue. /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1/localhost_orcl not found.

oracle@martin:~/product/10.2/db_1/bin> ./emctl start dbconsole

tz set to prc

oc4j configuration issue. /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/oc4j_dbconsole_localhost_orcl not found.


oracle@martin:~/product/10.2/db_1/oc4j/j2ee> cp -r oc4j_dbconsole_martin.bmc.com_orcl oc4j_dbconsole_localhost_orcl

oracle@martin:~/product/10.2/db_1> cp -r martin.bmc.com_orcl/ localhost_orcl

oracle@martin:~/product/10.2/db_1> bin/emctl start dbconsole

tz set to prc

oracle enterprise manager 10g database control release

starting oracle enterprise manager 10g database control ………………………. started.


logs are generated in directory /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1/localhost_orcl/sysman/log



1) sqlplus

sqlplus /nolog

connect sys/manager as sysdba


2) rcoracle

需要修改如下幾個檔案:/etc/orainst.loc? /etc/oratab /? /etc/sysconfig/oracle /opt/oracle/product/10.2/db_1/bin/dbstart /usr/sbin/rcoracle 修改這些檔案中的路徑等資訊知道 rcoracle start 命令不出錯為止。

原文: http://www.linuxlaptop.cn/index.php/archives/299

oracle em 啟動問題

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oracle em 啟動問題

一 em 常用命令 emca repos create 建立乙個em資料庫 emca repos recreate 重建乙個em資料庫 emca repos drop 刪除乙個em資料庫 emca config dbcontrol db 配置資料庫的database control emca dec...

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1 啟動方法 啟動監聽 啟動資料庫 啟動em 需要提前設定 export oracle unqname oracle oracle為例項名,根據實際名字修改 2 em啟動失敗問題 解決方法 emca repos recreate 重新設定 oracle redhat emca repos recre...