
2021-04-19 18:08:56 字數 4975 閱讀 4795

create procedure usp_t_scdd_othermine 

-- @ipagesize int,@icurpage int,

@iyear int,@sdwid varchar(255)

--with encryption

as begin


create table #t1

(fno int identity not null,      /*序號*/ 

fdwid int null,        /*單位id*/

fdwcode varchar(255) null,      /*單位編碼*/

fdwname varchar(255) null,      /*單位名稱*/

fnum numeric(14,2),       /*總量*/

ftype varchar(255) null,      /*型別:計畫和實際*/

fyear int null,        /*年份*/

f1 numeric(14,2),

f2 numeric(14,2),   

f3 numeric(14,2),   

f4 numeric(14,2),   

f5 numeric(14,2),   

f6 numeric(14,2),   

f7 numeric(14,2),   

f8 numeric(14,2),   

f9 numeric(14,2),   

f10 numeric(14,2),   

f11 numeric(14,2),   

f12 numeric(14,2),  


if(ltrim(rtrim(@sdwid))='') set @sdwid='%'  


insert into #t1 (fdwid,fdwcode,fdwname,ftype,fyear)

select distinct t2.fid,t2.fcode fdwcode,t2.fname fdwname,'計畫' ftypename,t1.fyear

from t_scdd_othermine t1

left join t_sys_dw t2 on t1.fdwid=t2.fid

where t1.fyear=@iyear and t1.fdwid like @sdwid

order by t2.fcode


insert into #t1 (fdwid,fdwcode,fdwname,ftype,fyear)

select distinct t2.fid,t2.fcode fdwcode,t2.fname fdwname,'實際' ftypename,t1.fyear

from t_scdd_othermine t1

left join t_sys_dw t2 on t1.fdwid=t2.fid

where t1.fyear=@iyear and t1.fdwid like @sdwid

order by t2.fcode


declare @ifdwid int

declare dw_cursor cursor for

select fdwid from #t1 order by fdwcode

open dw_cursor

fetch next from dw_cursor

into @ifdwid

while @@fetch_status = 0


declare content_cursor cursor for

select t1.fmonth,t1.fplan,t1.fact from t_scdd_othermine t1

left join t_sys_dw t2 on t1.fdwid=t2.fid

where t1.fyear=@iyear and t1.fdwid=@ifdwid

order by fdwid

--   ,@isum int

declare @ifmonth int,@sfplan varchar(255),@sfact varchar(255)

open content_cursor

fetch next from content_cursor into @ifmonth,@sfplan,@sfact

--   set @isum=0

while @@fetch_status = 0



if (@ifmonth=1)  update #t1 set f1=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=2)  update #t1 set f2=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=3)  update #t1 set f3=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=4)  update #t1 set f4=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=5)  update #t1 set f5=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=6)  update #t1 set f6=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=7)  update #t1 set f7=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=8)  update #t1 set f8=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=9)  update #t1 set f9=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=10)  update #t1 set f10=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=11)  update #t1 set f11=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'

if (@ifmonth=12)  update #t1 set f12=@sfplan where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='計畫'


if (@ifmonth=1)  update #t1 set f1=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=2)  update #t1 set f2=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=3)  update #t1 set f3=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=4)  update #t1 set f4=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=5)  update #t1 set f5=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=6)  update #t1 set f6=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=7)  update #t1 set f7=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=8)  update #t1 set f8=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=9)  update #t1 set f9=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=10)  update #t1 set f10=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=11)  update #t1 set f11=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

if (@ifmonth=12)  update #t1 set f12=@sfact where fdwid=@ifdwid and ftype='實際'

--     set @isum=@isum+1

fetch next from content_cursor into @ifmonth,@sfplan,@sfact

endclose content_cursor

deallocate content_cursor

--   update #t1 set fsum=@isum where fno=@ifno

-- get the next author.

fetch next from dw_cursor

into @ifdwid

endclose dw_cursor

deallocate dw_cursor


declare @ssql nvarchar(1000)

select @ssql=

'select * from #t1

order by fdwcode,ftype

'execute sp_executesql @ssql


--  select count(*) from #t1



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