select t.ttopic as '主帖標題', tu.uname as '作者姓名', t.tcontents as '內容',
r.rtopic as '跟帖標題', ru.uname as '跟帖人姓名', r.rcontents as '跟帖內容', r.rtime as '跟帖時間'
from bbstopic as t, bbsreply as r, bbsusers as tu, bbsusers as ru
where t.tid = r.rtid and tu.uid = t.tuid and ru.uid = r.ruid and t.tid = 2
order by r.rtime
select t.ttopic as '主帖標題', tu.uname as '作者姓名', t.tcontents as '內容',
r.rtopic as '跟帖標題', ru.uname as '跟帖人姓名', r.rcontents as '跟帖內容', r.rtime as '跟帖時間'
from bbstopic as t
inner join bbsreply as r
on t.tid = r.rtid
inner join bbsusers as tu
on tu.uid = t.tuid
inner join bbsusers as ru
on ru.uid = r.ruid
where t.tid = 2
order by r.rtime
oracle 兩表關聯查詢
情景描述 查詢學生表student,sname,age資訊及所在班級clazz表 select sname,age,cname from student t1 left join clazz t2 on t1.cid t2.cid select sname,age,cname from studen...
高階sql語句inner join 非常實用 在接觸這個語句之前 我要到資料庫查詢不同表的 內容我一般需要執行2次sql語句 迴圈2次。而現在有了這個語句 可以簡化成只執行1次語句 迴圈一次 result mysql query select states.state id,states.state...
高階sql語句inner join 非常實用 在接觸這個語句之前 我要到資料庫查詢不同表的 內容我一般需要執行2次sql語句 迴圈2次。而現在有了這個語句 可以簡化成只執行1次語句 迴圈一次 result mysql query select states.state id,states.state...