**出現,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,雖然沒有女朋友,
sub 轉換單元格()
'' macro1 macro''
dim shtsheet as worksheet
for each shtsheet in sheets
if shtsheet.name = "o3" then
for k = 2 to shtsheet.usedrange.rows.count
for i = 2 to 33
if (shtsheet.cells(k, i) = "nodata" or shtsheet.cells(2, i) = "") then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "——"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 50) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "a1"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 50) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 100) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "a2"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 100) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 120) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "a3"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 120) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 160) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "b1"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 160) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 180) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "b2"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 180) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 200) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "b3"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 200) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 240) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "c1"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 240) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 300) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "c2"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 300) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 360) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "c3"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 360) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 400) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "c4"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 400) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 600) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "d1"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 600) and (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) < 800) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "d2"
elseif (cint(shtsheet.cells(k, i)) >= 800) then
shtsheet.cells(k, i + 33) = "e"
end if
next i
next k
end if
exit sub
next shtsheet
set shtsheet = sheets.add(before:=sheets(1))
shtsheet.name = "o3"
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