public class forumfileclient
catch(exception e)
} private socket socket;
private bufferedreader in;
private printwriter out;
public forumfileclient()
catch(exception e)
} public void closesocket()
catch(exception e)
} /**
* @return returns the in. */
public bufferedreader getin()
* @return returns the out. */
public printwriter getout()
* @return returns the socket. */
public socket getsocket()
用socket實現的檔案伺服器 5
資料報內容解析 author hongsoft public class packetparserthread extends thread public void run else catch ioexception e finally catch ioexception e 中間全部用ox1e分...
用socket實現的檔案伺服器 3
主題帖cache規則 讀則加入,否則不需要加入 private static cache topiccache new cache 300 1000 1000 回帖cache private static cache replycache new cache 300 1000 1000 取主題貼,首...
用socket實現的檔案伺服器 5
資料報內容解析 author hongsoft public class packetparserthread extends thread public void run else catch ioexception e finally catch ioexception e 中間全部用ox1e分...