例如: 之間的各個ip位址
option explicit
private sub command1_click()
const max_range as long = 1000'最大生成的ip數,防止系統停止響應
dim sbeginip as string
dim sendip as string
sbeginip = ""
sendip = ""
dim i as long
dim lip as long
dim sip as string
lip = clng("&h" & dotip2hex(sbeginip))
sip = hex2dotip(hex(lip))
while sip <> sendip and i < max_range
print sip '列印點分ip字串
i = i + 1
lip = lip + 1
sip = hex2dotip(hex(lip))
end sub
private function dotip2hex(byref sip as string) as string
dim shex as string
dim ash as variant
ash = split(sip, ".")
dim i as long
for i = 0 to 3
dim h as string
h = hex(ash(i))
shex = shex & iif(len(h) < 2, "0" & h, h)
dotip2hex = shex
end function
private function hex2dotip(byref sip as string) as string
dim shex as string
dim ash(3) as string
ash(0) = mid(sip, 1, 2)
ash(1) = mid(sip, 3, 2)
ash(2) = mid(sip, 5, 2)
ash(3) = mid(sip, 7, 2)
dim i as long
for i = 0 to 3
dim d as long
d = clng("&h" & ash(i))
shex = shex & "." & d
hex2dotip = mid(shex, 2)
end function
C 輸出IP位址段內的合法位址
python IPy 匹配ip位址段
在ip位址規劃中,涉及到計算大量的ip位址,包括網段 網路掩碼 廣播位址 子網數 ip型別等 別擔心,ipy模組拯救你。ipy模組可以很好的輔助我們高效的完成ip的規劃工作。wget no check certificate tar zxvf ipy 0.81.tar.gz cd ipy 0.81 ...
在現在的網路中,ip位址分為公網ip和私有ip位址。公網ip是在internet使用的ip位址,而私有ip位址是在區域網中使用的ip位址。私有ip位址是一段保留的ip位址。只是使用在區域網中,在internet上是不使用的。由於目前使用的ip v4協議的限制,現在ip位址的數量是有限的。不能為網中的...