
2021-04-14 11:33:37 字數 989 閱讀 4852

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[p_movefile]') and objectproperty(id, n'isprocedure') = 1)

drop procedure [dbo].[p_movefile]


不借助 xp_cmdshell ,因為這個在大多數時候都被禁用了

--鄒建 2004.08(引用請保留此資訊)--*/


exec p_movefile 'd:/aa.txt','c:/'


create proc p_movefile

@s_file varchar(1000), --原始檔

@d_file varchar(1000) --目標檔案

asdeclare @err int,@src varchar(255),@desc varchar(255)

declare @obj int

exec @err=sp_oacreate 'scripting.filesystemobject',@obj out

if @err<>0 goto lberr

exec @err=sp_oamethod @obj,'movefile',null,@s_file,@d_file

if @err<>0 goto lberr

exec @err=sp_oadestroy @obj



exec sp_oageterrorinfo 0,@src out,@desc out

select cast(@err as varbinary(4)) as 錯誤號

,@src as 錯誤源,@desc as 錯誤描述


if exists select from dbo.sysobjects where id object id n dbo p movefile and objectproperty id,n isprocedure 1 drop procedure dbo p movefile go 移動伺服器上...


if exists select from dbo.sysobjects where id object id n dbo p movefile and objectproperty id,n isprocedure 1 drop procedure dbo p movefile go 移動伺服器上...


if exists select from dbo.sysobjects where id object id n dbo p movefile and objectproperty id,n isprocedure 1 drop procedure dbo p movefile go 移動伺服器上...