一、在at selection-screen中寫賦值語句,這種方法你可能需要中間變數快取選擇條件用於查詢,**樣例:
report demo_write_statement.
tables vbak.
data: name(20) value 'source',
source(10) value 'abcd',
select-options k_kunnr for vbak-kunnr.
data: is_parent type i value 0.
在initialization事件中寫賦值**,預設情況只有第一次會影響輸入螢幕,以後將失去作用。為了使該**起作用你必須在選擇螢幕的其他事件中執行system-call initialization.這個語句。**樣例:
report demo_write_statement.
tables: spfli.
data: tab_spfli type table of spfli,
tab_sflight type sorted table of sflight
with unique key table_line,
wa like line of tab_sflight.
select-options s_carrid for spfli-carrid.
at selection-screen.
select carrid connid
into corresponding fields of table tab_spfli
from spfli
where carrid in s_carrid .
system-call initialization.
select carrid connid fldate
into corresponding fields of table tab_sflight
from sflight
for all entries in tab_spfli
where carrid = tab_spfli-carrid and
connid = tab_spfli-connid.
loop at tab_sflight into wa.
at new connid.
write: / wa-carrid, wa-connid.
write: / wa-fldate.
ABAP 如何使選擇螢幕的初始化事件再次觸發
最近乙個同事有乙個比較 的使用者需求,他希望每次回到選擇螢幕時,選擇引數是有程式控制輸入的,使用者客戶端的輸入清除。對此需求有兩種處理方法 一 在at selection screen中寫賦值語句,這種方法你可能需要中間變數快取選擇條件用於查詢,樣例 report demo write statem...
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