有表 tablea 如下:
id, type , countnumber , countdate
1 a 10 2005-02-01 21:23:34
2 b 8 2005-02-01 21:23:34
3 c 5 2005-02-01 21:23:34
4 b 4 2005-02-01 11:23:34
5 c 5 2005-02-01 22:23:34
6 a 11 2005-02-02 12:23:34
7 b 9 2005-02-02 14:23:34
8 c 8 2005-02-02 17:23:34
9 a 15 2005-02-02 19:23:34
10 c 6 2005-02-02 04:23:34
11 a 7 2005-02-03 1:23:34
12 b 11 2005-02-03 2:23:34
13 c 12 2005-02-03 5:23:34
日期 型別a 型別b 型別c
2005-02-01 10 12 10
2005-02-02 26 9 14
2005-02-03 7 11 12
,(select sum(*) from tablea where type='a' and convert(char(10),countdate,20)= a.datefmt) typea
,(select sum(*) from tablea where type='b' and convert(char(10),countdate,20)= a.datefmt) typeb
,(select sum(*) from tablea where type='c' and convert(char(10),countdate,20)= a.datefmt) typec
(select convert(char(10),countdate,20) datefmt
from tablea
group by convert(char(10),countdate,20)
) a但是這條語句在sqlserver 上執行起來特別的慢,要很久(20多秒),tabela 中有9萬條資料. 而我在mysql(表中有2萬條資料)上執行就快很多!
select convert(char(10),countdate,20),
typea=sum(case type when a then countnumber else 0 end),
typeb=sum(case type when b then countnumber else 0 end),
typec=sum(case type when c then countnumber else 0 end)
from tablea
group by convert(char(10),countdate,20)
只用 1秒 不到! 唉! 厲害厲害!
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SQL Server 報表服務
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