sql> select * from scott.admin;
id username password
---------- ---------- ----------
1 admin admin
2 tom tom
sql> create sequence scott.admin_seq;
sql> create or replace trigger scott.admin_id_pk
2 before insert on scott.admin
3 for each row
4 begin
5 select scott.admin_seq.nextval into :new.id from dual;
6 end;
7 /
sql> insert into scott.admin(username,password) values('test','test');
已建立 1 行。
sql> select * from scott.admin;
id username password
---------- ---------- ----------
1 admin admin
2 tom tom
1 test test
sql> insert into scott.admin(username,password) values('test','test');
已建立 1 行。
sql> select * from scott.admin;
id username password
---------- ---------- ----------
1 admin admin
2 tom tom
1 test test
2 test test
3 test test
4 test test
5 test test
1.建立表t test create table t test id int address char 25 pay int 2.建立自增序列 create sequence seq t test id 建立名為zc的序列 increment by 1 自增長度為1 start with 1 從1開...
code create sequence 首先建乙個序列 此處seq lastyeardiscase為序列名 create sequence 我的序列名 minvalue 1maxvalue 999999999999999999999999999 start with 1increment by1 ...
天是上班的第一天,還不太在工作狀態,不過解決了乙個讓我困惑以久的問題,現在解決了,放在這裡分享一下,省得以後忘掉。gridview支援分頁的自動編號 前台 this.pager.currentpageindex 1 this.pager.pagesize container.dataiteminde...