
2021-04-12 22:54:48 字數 1604 閱讀 3037




function isvalidemail(email)

validflag = false

if (email <> "") and (instr(1, email, "@") > 0) and (instr(1, email, ".") > 0) then

atcount = 0

specialflag = false

for atloop = 1 to len(email)

atchr = mid(email, atloop, 1)

if atchr = "@" then atcount = atcount + 1

if (atchr >= chr(32)) and (atchr <= chr(44)) then specialflag = true

if (atchr = chr(47)) or (atchr = chr(96)) or (atchr >= chr(123)) then specialflag = true

if (atchr >= chr(58)) and (atchr <= chr(63)) then specialflag = true

if (atchr >= chr(91)) and (atchr <= chr(94)) then specialflag = true


if (atcount = 1) and (specialflag = false) then

badflag = false

tary1 = split(email, "@")

username = tary1(0)

domainname = tary1(1)

if (username = "") or (domainname = "") then badflag = true

if mid(domainname, 1, 1) = "." then badflag = true

if mid(domainname, len(domainname), 1) = "." then badflag = true

validflag = true

end if

end if

if badflag = true then validflag = false

isvalidemail = validflag

end function



isvalidemail("") 返回ture

isvalidemail("") 返回ture

isvalidemail("") 返回false

isvalidemail("my_263_email@263) 返回false


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