create by zhanglei
exec sp_searchtable '','','自增字段'
alter procedure sp_searchtable
@tablename varchar(125),
@colname varchar(120),
@subinfo varchar(200)
asset nocount on
if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id(n'srchtbl'))
drop table srchtbl
create table srchtbl(ftbl varchar(120), fcol varchar(120), finfo varchar(200))
declare @ftablename varchar(120)
declare tablecursor cursor for
select name from sysobjects
where xtype ='u' and (charindex(@tablename,name) >0 or isnull(@tablename,'') = '')
open tablecursor
fetch next from tablecursor into @ftablename
while @@fetch_status =0
declare @srchstr varchar(8000)
set @srchstr = ' select 1 from '+ @ftablename+ ' where (1=0) '
select @srchstr = @srchstr + ' or charindex(''' + @subinfo+''','+c.name+') >0 '
from syscolumns c
left join systypes t on c.xusertype = t.xusertype
where c.id = object_id(@ftablename) and t.name <> n'image'
and (charindex(@colname,c.name) >0 or isnull(@tablename,'') = '')
if @@rowcount > 0
insert into srchtbl(ftbl,finfo) values(@ftablename,@subinfo)
fetch next from tablecursor into @ftablename
endclose tablecursor
deallocate tablecursor
select * from srchtbl
set nocount off
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