#define null 0
#define m 100
typedef int elemtype;
typedef struct lnode
int lenth(linklist *l)/*返回鍊錶長度*/
return n;
}elemtype get(linklist *l,int n)/*返回指定節點的值*/
if (t != null)
}int locate(linklist *l,elemtype x )/*定位指定值的節點的位置*/
if(t == null)
}void display(linklist *l)/*顯示鍊錶*/
while(t != null);
}void creat(linklist *l)/*無頭節點 建立鍊錶,並設定鍊錶為空*/
void insert(linklist *l,int n,elemtype x)/*向鍊錶中插入元素*/
if (j == n-1)
void delete(linklist *l,int n)/*刪除指定位置的節點*/
if (t1->next != null && i == n-1)
}if (t2 == null)
}void init(struct lnode **l,int len)/*初始化鍊錶 這個函式體覺得很臃腫*/
for(j = 1; j <= len; j++)
for(k = j+1; k <= len; k++)
}for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++)
printf("the data of the linktable is: ");
}void copy(struct lnode **l1,struct lnode **l2 )/*複製鍊錶l1到l2*/
}void intersection(struct lnode **l1,struct lnode **l2,struct lnode **l3)/*求交集*/
t2 = t2->next;
}t1 = t1->next;
t2 = *l2;
}unionset(struct lnode **l1,struct lnode **l2,struct lnode **l3)/*求並集*/
else if(t2->data < t3->data)
else if(t2->data > t3->data)}}
if (k > 0 && k <= lenth(&*l3))/*插在排序的位置上*/
else if(k > lenth(&*l3))/*插在鏈尾*/
t2 = t2->next;
t3 = *l3;}}
void diffrenceset(struct lnode **l1,struct lnode **l2,struct lnode **l3)/*求差集*/}}
int main(void)
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