SQL查詢之基礎 語法和概念 完整版

2021-04-07 07:35:05 字數 3806 閱讀 5683




--select * from employees;


--select employeeid,lastname,firstname,birthdate from employees;


-- select employeeid as 員工編號,birthdate as 生日 from employees;

-- select 員工編號=employeeid,生日=birthdate from employees;


-- select top 5* from employees;

-- select top 5 percent* from employees;



-- select  distinct country as 國家 from employees;


-- select  distinct country as 國家,titleofcourtesy as 稱呼 from employees;


/*select employeeid as 員工編號, lastname+' '+firstname as 員工姓名,birthdate as 出生日期,city as 城市

from employees

where city='london' order by birthdate ;


select employeeid as 員工編號, lastname+' '+firstname as 員工姓名,birthdate as 出生日期,city as 城市

from employees

where city='london' order by firstname, birthdate desc;


---- use pubs;

-- select title as 書目,price as 單價,ytd_sales as 銷售量,price*ytd_sales as 銷售額 from titles;


/*  select employeeid as 員工編號, lastname+' '+firstname as 員工姓名,birthdate as 出生日期,city as 城市

from employees

where city='london' ;

select employeeid as 員工編號, lastname+' '+firstname as 員工姓名,birthdate as 出生日期,city as 城市 ,country as 國家

from employees

where country like 'us%'; 

select employeeid as 員工編號, lastname+' '+firstname as 員工姓名,birthdate as 出生日期,city as 城市 ,country as 國家

from employees

where country in ('usa','uk');

--複雜的條件查詢,注意邏輯關係,要加括號,計算機裡面or的優先順序比 and 高

select employeeid as 員工編號, lastname+' '+firstname as 員工姓名,postalcode as 郵編,country as 國家

from employees



or postalcode='98122'

or postalcode='sw1 8jr'

)and country='usa';*/



-- use northwind;

/* select p.supplierid as **商編號,s.companyname as 公司名稱,p.productname as 產品名稱,p.unitprice as **

from products p, suppliers s where p.supplierid=s.supplierid;


/* use pubs;

select a.au_lname+' '+a.au_fname as 作者,t.title as 書名 from authors a,titles t,titleauthor ta

where a.au_id=ta.au_id and t.title_id=ta.title_id;




/* use northwind;

select p.supplierid as **商編號,s.companyname as 公司名稱,p.productname as 產品名稱,p.unitprice as **

from products p

left outer join suppliers s

on p.supplierid=s.supplierid;


/* use northwind;

select p.supplierid as **商編號,s.companyname as 公司名稱,p.productname as 產品名稱,p.unitprice as **

from products p

right outer join suppliers s

on p.supplierid=s.supplierid;*/


/* use northwind;

select p.supplierid as **商編號,s.companyname as 公司名稱,p.productname as 產品名稱,p.unitprice as **

from products p

full outer join suppliers s

on p.supplierid=s.supplierid; 



union運算子可以將兩個或兩個以上上select語句的查詢結果集合合併成乙個結果集合顯示,即執行聯 合查詢。

union的語法格式為: select_statement union [all] selectstatement [union [all] selectstatement][…n]

其中selectstatement為待聯合的select查詢語句。 all選項表示將所有行合併到結果集合中。不指定該項時,





交叉連線 交叉連線不帶where 子句,它返回被連線的兩個表所有資料行的笛卡爾積,



連線自身 */



sql基礎語法 聯接查詢

交叉聯接 1.不帶where條件的,將返回兩個表的 行乘積 select c.e.from sales.customers c cross join hr.employees e 2.帶where 條件的,交叉聯接不能使用on select e1.empid,e1.firstname,e1.last...


交叉連線即笛卡爾積,是指兩個關係中所有元祖的任意組合。一般情況下,交叉查詢是沒有實際意義的。select from student cross join course1 等值連線 列出被連線表中的所有列,包括其中的重複列。連線條件中的運算子為 這種查詢方式形成的中間表為兩個表的笛卡爾積,有inner...


語法1 基礎查詢 語法 select 要查詢的東西 from 表名 特點 通過select查詢完的結果 是乙個虛擬的 不是真實存在 要查詢的東西 可以是常量值 可以是表示式 可以是字段 可以是函式 語法2 條件查詢 條件查詢 根據條件過濾原始表的資料,查詢到想要的資料 語法 select 要查詢的字...