
2021-04-07 01:39:51 字數 1739 閱讀 6657




set echo on

drop role plustrace;

create role plustrace;

grant select on v_$sesstat to plustrace;

grant select on v_$statname to plustrace;

grant select on v_$session to plustrace;

grant plustrace to dba with admin option;

set echo off


--sql> grant plustrace to db_user;


create table plan_table (

statement_id varchar2(30),

timestamp date,

remarks varchar2(80),

operation varchar2(30),

options varchar2(30),

object_node varchar2(128),

object_owner varchar2(30),

object_name varchar2(30),

object_instance numeric,

object_type varchar2(30),

optimizer varchar2(255),

search_columns number,

id numeric,

parent_id numeric,

position numeric,

cost numeric,

cardinality numeric,

bytes numeric,

other_tag varchar2(255),

partition_start varchar2(255),

partition_stop varchar2(255),

partition_id numeric,

other long,

distribution varchar2(30));


set time on; (說明:開啟時間顯示)

set autotrace on; (說明:開啟自動分析統計,並顯示sql語句的執行結果)

set autotrace traceonly; (說明:開啟自動分析統計,不顯示sql語句的執行結果)



set time off; (說明:關閉時間顯示)

set autotrace off; (說明:關閉自動分析統計)


由於要分析sql profiler捕獲的sql 語句的效能,需要找出執行頻率高,用時長的語句。sql profiler生成的表如下 create table dbo lijidownload rownumber int identity not null,eventclass int null,te...


1.檢視執行時間和cpu占用時間 set statistics time on select from 表set statistics time off 結果 2.檢視查詢對i 0的操作情況 set statistics io on select from 表set statistics io of...


使用explain關鍵字可以模擬優化器執行sql查詢語句,從而知道mysql是如何處理你的sql語句,可以幫助選擇更好的索引和寫出更優化的查詢語句。explain 的每個輸出行包括下面的列 select查詢的序列號,包含一組數字,表示查詢中執行select子句或操作表的順序。有三種情況 select...