
2021-04-03 03:03:55 字數 2199 閱讀 6807




public function spells(byval word as string) as string

dim txt as string = ""

dim mm as integer

word = trim(word)

for mm = 1 to len(word)

txt &= spellhead(mid(word, mm, 1))


return txt

end function

private function spellhead(byval word as char) as char

dim txt as char

'漢字if asc(word) < 0 then

select case asc(word)

case is < asc("啊")

txt = ""

case asc("啊") to asc("芭") - 1

txt = "a"

case asc("芭") to asc("擦") - 1

txt = "b"

case asc("擦") to asc("搭") - 1

txt = "c"

case asc("搭") to asc("蛾") - 1

txt = "d"

case asc("蛾") to asc("發") - 1

txt = "e"

case asc("發") to asc("噶") - 1

txt = "f"

case asc("噶") to asc("哈") - 1

txt = "g"

case asc("哈") to asc("擊") - 1

txt = "h"

case asc("擊") to asc("喀") - 1

txt = "j"

case asc("喀") to asc("垃") - 1

txt = "k"

case asc("垃") to asc("媽") - 1

txt = "l"

case asc("媽") to asc("拿") - 1

txt = "m"

case asc("拿") to asc("哦") - 1

txt = "n"

case asc("哦") to asc("啪") - 1

txt = "o"

case asc("啪") to asc("期") - 1

txt = "p"

case asc("期") to asc("然") - 1

txt = "q"

case asc("然") to asc("撒") - 1

txt = "r"

case asc("撒") to asc("塌") - 1

txt = "s"

case asc("塌") to asc("挖") - 1

txt = "t"

case asc("挖") to asc("昔") - 1

txt = "w"

case asc("昔") to asc("壓") - 1

txt = "x"

case asc("壓") to asc("匝") - 1

txt = "y"

case is >= asc("匝")

txt = "z"

end select



if ucase(word) <= "z" and ucase(word) >= "a" then

txt = ucase(word)


txt = ""

end if

end if

return txt

end function




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