using system;
using system.threading;
public class cell
catch (synchronizationlockexception e)
catch (threadinterruptedexception e)
}console.writeline("consume: ",cellcontents);
readerflag = false; //重置readerflag標誌,表示消費行為已經完成
monitor.pulse(this); //通知writetocell()方法(該方法在另外乙個執行緒中執行,等待中)
}return cellcontents;
}public void writetocell(int n)
catch (synchronizationlockexception e)
catch (threadinterruptedexception e)
}cellcontents = n;
console.writeline("produce: ",cellcontents);
readerflag = true;
monitor.pulse(this); //通知另外乙個執行緒中正在等待的readfromcell()}}
public class cellprod
public void threadrun( )
} public class cellcons
public void threadrun( )
public class monitorsample
catch (threadstateexception e)
catch (threadinterruptedexception e)
environment.exitcode = result;
}} //同步是通過等待monitor.pulse()來完成的。首先生產者生產了乙個值,而同一時刻消費者處於等待狀態,
生產者消費者 生產者與消費者模式
一 什麼是生產者與消費者模式 其實生產者與消費者模式就是乙個多執行緒併發協作的模式,在這個模式中呢,一部分執行緒被用於去生產資料,另一部分執行緒去處理資料,於是便有了形象的生產者與消費者了。而為了更好的優化生產者與消費者的關係,便設立乙個緩衝區,也就相當於乙個資料倉儲,當生產者生產資料時鎖住倉庫,不...
include include include include include include define size of buffer 10 int buffer size of buffer 緩衝陣列 int in 0,out 0 採用迴圈佇列方式進行陣列的訪問 宣告訊號量 sem t ful...
include include include include include include handle mutex 互斥訊號量 handle full 滿緩衝區訊號量計數 handle empty 空緩衝區訊號量計數 void producer 生產者函式 void consumer 消費者函...