
2021-04-02 11:56:21 字數 601 閱讀 3212

declare @str varchar(100)

set @str='l0g'  --要搜尋的字串

declare @s varchar(8000)

declare tb cursor local for

select s='if exists(select 1 from ['+b.name+'] where ['+a.name+'] like ''%'+@str+'%'')

print ''所在的表及字段: ['+b.name+'].['+a.name+']'''

from syscolumns a join sysobjects b on a.id=b.id

where b.xtype='u' and a.status>=0

and a.xusertype in(175,239,231,167)

open tb

fetch next from tb into @s

while @@fetch_status=0



fetch next from tb into @s

endclose tb

deallocate tb


declare str varchar 100 set str 鄭州南陽s 1n001 要搜尋的字串 declare s varchar 8000 declare tb cursor local for select s if exists select 1 from b.name where a....


include include include includeusing namespace std char grid 100 100 word 100 int n m int x int y int xx yy void search if k len int main int t cin t ...


include include include includeusing namespace std char grid 100 100 word 100 int n m int x int y int xx yy void search if k len int main int t cin t ...