
2021-03-31 17:26:58 字數 1102 閱讀 5867

create procedure dbo.sp_spidtoip @spid int

as -- spid to mac

-- lj

declare @mac as varchar(12)

select @mac = ***_address from master..sysprocesses where spid = @spid

-- mac to ip

declare @macdisplay as varchar(18)

declare @ip as varchar(15)

create table #temp (output varchar(255) null)

set nocount on

insert into #temp exec master..xp_cmdshell 'arp -a'

if @@error<>0


raiserror ('the level for job_id:%d should be between %d and %d.', 16, 1)

--rollback transaction


select @macdisplay = left(@mac, 2) + '-' + substring(@mac, 3, 2) + '-' + substring(@mac, 5, 2) + '-' + substring(@mac, 7, 2) + '-' + substring(@mac, 9, 2) + '-' + substring(@mac, 11, 2) select @ip = substring(output, 3, 15) from #temp where output like '%' + @macdisplay + '%'

-- resolve the ip

--declare @cmd as varchar(100)

--select @cmd = 'master..xp_cmdshell "ping -a ' + @ip + '"'

--exec (@cmd)

drop table #temp

set nocount off


charles 客戶端程序

本文參考 charles 客戶端程序 客戶端程序工具 client process 顯示使每個請求的本地客戶端程序 客戶端程序工具顯示負責進行每個請求的本地客戶端程序的名稱。客戶端程序通常是您的web瀏覽器,例如firefox.exe,但客戶端程序工具可以幫助您發現許多可能未知的http客戶端。客戶...


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