
2021-03-31 08:56:29 字數 3239 閱讀 6874

sub pu1rk_write()

dim my** as new adodb.connection

dim myrs as new adodb.recordset

dim strcon as string


strcon = "provider=sqloledb;server=;uid=sa;pwd=tpcims;database=movex12" 'dl580-1

on error goto error:

my**.connectionstring = strcon


my**.***mandtimeout = 0


myrs.activeconnection = my**


mystr = "execute  pu1rk_zhangzs  '" + range("i6") + "'"

' mystr = "select top 1 * from mittra  "

' msgbox (mystr)

myrs.open mystr '為 recordset 賦值


if myrs.eof then

msgbox "質檢站還沒判定/您還沒有入庫操作!", vbokonly, "錯誤"

range("i6").value = ""

exit sub

end if


'worksheets("精整入庫").unprotect password:="zhangzs"


range("b6") = "庫別:" + trim(myrs!庫位)

range("f6") = trim(myrs!物料號)

range("c17") = trim(myrs!交易日期)

range("b9") = trim(myrs!爐號)

range("d9") = trim(myrs!鋼種)

range("f9") = trim(myrs!鑄坯外徑)

range("h9") = trim(myrs!定尺長度) + "m"

if trim(trim(myrs!備註)) = "," then

range("b15") = "備註: "


range("b15") = "備註: " + trim(myrs!備註)

end if

n = 2 '初始變數

m = 11

do while not myrs.eof

cells(11, n) = trim(myrs!倍尺數)

cells(m + 1, n) = "支數"

cells(m + 1, n + 1) = "重量(t)"

cells(m + 2, n) = trim(myrs!實際支數)

cells(m + 2, n + 1) = trim(myrs!重量)


n = n + 2


'worksheets("精整入庫").protect password:="zhangzs", drawingobjects:=true, contents:=true, scenarios:=true


range("j9") = range("b13") + range("d13") + range("f13") + range("h13") + range("j13") + range("l13")

range("l9") = range("c13") + range("e13") + range("g13") + range("i13") + range("k13") + range("m13")




exit sub



msgbox err.description, vbokonly, "error message"

end sub

sub pu1rk_clear()


worksheets("精整入庫").unprotect password:="zhangzs"


range("b6") = "庫別:"

range("f6") = ""

range("c17") = ""

range("b9") = ""

range("d9") = ""

range("f9") = ""

range("h9") = ""

range("c16") = ""

range("b11") = ""

range("d11") = ""

range("f11") = ""

range("h11") = ""

range("j11") = ""

range("l11") = ""

range("b15") = "備註:"


range("j9") = ""

range("l9") = ""

for i = 2 to 13

for j = 12 to 13

cells(j, i) = ""

next j

next i


'worksheets("精整入庫").protect password:="zhangzs", drawingobjects:=true, contents:=true, scenarios:=true

end sub

private sub worksheet_change(byval target as range)

if target.column = 9 and target.row = 6 then

call pu1rk_clear

if range("i6") <> "" then

call pu1rk_write

end if

end if

end sub



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